Three Tasks You Should Delegate to A Drayage Specialist

  • Do you find that distractions are constantly biting into your time?
  • Are you always putting off managing expense reports because they’re too difficult to deal with?
  • Does your family ask why they’re not seeing more of you, or you consistently plan your calendar that never get done?

If answered yes to any of these questions, then it’s time to get a Drayage Specialist. But then, what are the best tasks to outsource to a Drayage Specialist? What type of things can a Drayage Specialist do?

To be very honest, every business is different. How you perform your tasks is different from the way someone else does. Your business priorities cannot be the same as mine. These three tasks can help you decide on what type of Drayage Specialist you can get.

1. Tasks that are time consuming

It’s important to evaluate how much time you’re spending on certain tasks per week. This will help you see which of them are possible to outsource to a Drayage Specialist. You’ll free up your time to work on the business, not in the business.

Is it responding to emails, billing, paying drivers, entering orders, empty return locations, after hours support? These can take a lot of your personal time and a lot of time away from things you should be focusing on in your terminal. These are things that can be done by a Drayage Specialist.

2. Tasks that are easy to delegate

This could be making port and rail appointments, bookkeeping, scheduling pick-ups and deliveries. All these are easy to delegate, but time consuming.

3. Tasks you don’t know how to do

This is an obvious one. Many owners that own terminals spend a lot of time setting up social media recruiting, digitizing their terminals so the right owner operator or driver sees them and what they have to offer or creating social media content. It usually has to with technology, design or editing posts, ads or websites. All the stuff that you’re not really good at, or you don’t know how to do, can be outsourced to a Drayage Specialist.

These are the three possible types of tasks you should be delegating to your Drayage Specialist. So, why not outsource your team with Drayage specialist. We provide you with trained virtual Drayage Specialists who will help you free up time for other functions will grow your business.

Get in touch today to speak to a project manager. Let’s build a team of Drayage Specialists for your project. Click here to get started.

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